Rosalba Palmas

Trademarks and designs
Italian trademark, design representative.
European trademark, design representative.
22 years
Law degree with thesis in Industrial Law

Areas of activity

Registered with the Italian Order of Industrial Property Consultants – Trademarks, Designs and Models Section. European Consultant in Trademarks, Designs and Models. Accredited representative at the UIBM (Italian Patent and Trademark Office), the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) and the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). All aspects concerning the protection of trademarks, distinctive signs and drawings and models (design), in any product sector. It has been operating in the field of Industrial Property since 2002.

He has gained solid experience regarding filing, prosecution and legal protection of trademarks in Italy and around the world and extra-judicial management of disputes, managing the trademark portfolio of companies of different sizes, from micro-enterprises to important companies, including foreign holdings. He collaborates, of counsel, with leading law firms in Italy and Malta, and is an external consultant for the CNA (National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises) of Bologna.

Spoken languages

100 %
100 %
100 %

Professional accredited by the National Advisory Center For Overseas Intellectual Property Disputes Settlement, established by the Chinese Government. He regularly publishes articles on Fashion United. Member of the Promotion of the Profession Group of the Order of Industrial Property Consultants. Member of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property).